Ozymandias Analysis

Ozymandias is a sonnet written by Percy Shelley, written in iambic pentameter and gains much of its power from the compression of its language. The ruined statue underlined the hubris of Ozymandias proud boast “Look on my works, Ye mighty, and despair!” The irony is that mighty will despair – not at the power of Ozymandias but at the realisation that their power is never permanent. 

Film Study ( shot by shot ) 1.19.50

  1. Long shot – Car arriving – Low angle 
  2. Mid shot – Vincent – Low angle 
  3. Mid shot – Eugene – Low angle 
  4. Mid shot – Vincent calling eugene – Level angle 
  5. Mid shot – Eugene – Low angle 
  6. Mid shot – Vincent – Low angle 
  7. Close up – Gerome – Low angle 
  8. Mid shot – Vincent – Level angle 
  9. Long Shot – Gerome stairs – Low angle 
  10. Mid shot – eugene – Low angle 
  11. long shot – eugene – HIgh angle 
  12. Long shot  car – low anlge 
  13. Long shot – Eugene – high angle 
  14. Long shot – Eugene – Birds eye view 
  15. Two shot – Irene and Anton – level angle 
  16. Close up – Nice french double cuff silk shirt with Hand – Level angle
  17. Cose up – Feet – Level 
  18. Long shot – Car – Level angle on car through trees
  19. Long shot – Stairs – Level angle 
  20. long shot – car – Level angle 
  21. Close up – hand – Low angle 
  22. Close up –  Eugene climbing Stairs – Level angle point of view shot
  23. Long shot – Car – Level angle 
  24. Long shot – Stairs – 
  25. Long shot – Carpark – 
  26. Long shot – Stairs – 
  27. Close up – Eugenes eyes 
  28. Two shot – Irene and Anton – 
  29. Mid shot – Top of stairs – 
  30. Two shot – Irene and Anton – 
  31. Close up – speaker – 
  32. Two shot – Irene anton – 
  33. Close up – speaker – 
  34. Two shot – irene and anton – 
  35. long shot –
  36. Long shot 
  37. Mid shot 
  38. Long shot – Eugene, irene and anton 
  39. Mid shot – Irene 
  40. Mid shot – Eugene 
  41. Close up – Anton 
  42. Mid shot – Irene 
  43. Long shot – Irene, Eugene, Anton 
  44. Mid shot – Anton 
  45. Two shot – Irene and Eugene 
  46. Long shot – Anton 
  47. Close up – Irene 
  48. Close up – Anton 
  49. Mid shot – Anton 
  50. Mid shot – Arm 

Speech on Pro Life Abortion

Mother Teresa once said, the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.

Now I can imagine many, if not all of you, have already made a decision whether you are for or against abortion the second I mention the word, but lets just recap what it actually is. You have two options for an abortion. Surgical abortion is an action that surgically kills the fetus while it is living in the mother’s womb and different methods could be used depending on the babies age.
Chemical abortion is an action that chemically kills a baby before or after it implants in the mother’s womb.

I understand totally banning abortion makes some people uncomfortable, and everyone has their own reasons such as culture or religion, rape, incest or fetal abnormality, and situations such as these, abortion is portrayed as the best option and if a lie is told enough times, people begin to believe it. Lets take a look into a couple of these examples and explain why abortion is not an option.

Rape and incest are both criminal acts and in NZ, we punish the criminal. We never punish the victim, or the victims children and we are told that if a pregnancy results from either rape or incest the ‘compassionate’ response is to offer the traumatized woman an abortion because “no woman should be forced to carry, give birth to, and care for, that monsters child”, right? But why increase her trauma of rape with the additional trauma of abortion? Rape is an act of violence and cruelty inflicted on a woman, and she is completely innocent and has done absolutely nothing wrong, and her knowing this may allow her to come to terms with it and she may rebuild her life again. On the other hand, Abortion is an act of violence that a mother inflicts on her own child. The mother becomes the attacker, and her knowing this may upset her long after she has dealt with the rape. Women – including those who were victims of rape – have reported years of physical, emotional and psychological difficulty after aborting their child. So to sum up, Abortion did not solve their problems; it just created new ones.

Parents expecting a child are overwhelmed with joy and when they are informed that their baby has a birth defect or abnormality they can often view the diagnosis almost as if it were an actual death, not as a physical death, but a death of hopes and dreams, visions of a normal childhood, playing games, going to school, growing up and starting families of their own just disappear in an instant. The parents then may become vulnerable to the suggestion of aborting the child – simply terminating the pregnancy and getting on with their lives, because after all, no child should be born to someone who doesn’t want them, right? The first problem is that medical opinions can be just that – opinions. There are cases in which parents who let their children to live and found out at birth that the so called ‘experts’ were completely incorrect. Imagine this: You have aborted you’re child, only to see it had nothing ‘wrong’ with it. You have destroyed a perfect baby. It is against the nature of parents to hurt their own children, and abortion is doing exactly that. When abortion is used to solve the problem of a disability, it is discrimination of the most severe kind. Kids are not  discriminated against for their disability but they are killed because of it. If it’s okay to kill a person with a disability in the womb, could it someday be allowed to kill a disabled baby? Or a disabled adult? I don’t know about you, but my answer is clearly and absolutely no so why is there any question when the victim is a child in the womb? Unborn children diagnosed with disabilities deserve to be treated with the same love, kindness and respect as born people, with or without a disability.

According to statistics NZ, 53% of abortions are made at 10 weeks. Now I would like you to imagine yourself as a woman – I know, boys, not something you do everyday – and imagine you have found out you are pregnant at ten weeks, when the baby has its vital organs – including a strong heart beat,  kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are in place and functioning. `If you could take a look inside you’d spot tiny details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes, and hair beginning to grow on the skin. Your baby’s limbs can bend now. His or her hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. What do you do? Feel free to turn back to you’re gender. From the year 1981-2017, 510, 078 decisions have already been made, but those are the only ones written down and recorded in New Zealand. I’m not even going to start on the numbers outside of New Zealand.

So i’ll say it again. Who would agree here that it’s wrong to kill a human being?  But it’s okay to kill an innocent child. All these amazing things we do in our lives, go to school to get an education, make some friends. To love. To cry. To feel. To live. Just to do things we take for granted is all taken away so quickly just because of one selfish decision.

As Ed Sheeran said in his touching song ‘small bump’,
You were just a small bump unborn
Just four months then torn from life
Maybe you were needed up there
But we’re still unaware as why.

Now the real question is, is abortion a choice?

Thank you.

Guns in schools

How would you feel if one of your friends or family were shot while they were trying to get an education? Think about how much this would affect you, and possibly your community. If guns in school were allowed in schools there wouldn’t be as many deaths. School shootings wouldn’t be actually prevented but they could potentially be lowered. We could protect each other if something ever happened. There are so many shootings every day we don’t even know about because they have become so common, all around the world, in america, europe and one day it could possibly be us. So what are we waiting for?

NCEA Formal writing 1.5, Literary Essay

How does Shakespeare get his ideas across to the audience in Macbeth?

William Shakespeare is one of the worlds most influential writers in english literature. In his time, he has written many famous plays that are known worldwide, such as Romeo and Juliet, The twelfth night, A midsummer night’s dream, and the Scottish play, or is more commonly known as Macbeth.  The way he connects with the audience is displayed by his delicate and carefully constructed use of language techniques to covey his strongest themes he wanted to put across to the audience. In Macbeth, Shakespeare has brought these selected themes to attention; ambition, nature and unnatural, manhood, and like most of the Shakespeare’s works, fate. This essay will be exploring the deteriorating state of mind and ambition in characters, that is very vividly expressed in Macbeth.

In Act 5 scene 5, just after lady Macbeth has killed herself, Macbeth says ‘Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more’. Macbeth has doubts over his fate, calling it “Life’s but a walking shadow” , he is essentially saying his entire existence is nothing but a mere ghost, and compares people to actors who enjoy their moment in the spotlight but then have no importance afterwards. Shakespeare has used a metaphor is this particular situation to express the brutal nature of life to the audience, comparing a man to “a poor player” and life to “a walking shadow” to say that life is short-lived. Shadows are gone as soon as they appear and actors only play their character, they people they play have no real meaning. Macbeth realises that the moment he decided to kill King Duncan lead to his wife killing herself because of her deteriorating mind and his audacious ambition. This shows that if only Macbeth had been happy with his life before he killed King Duncan and brought corruption on families, this would have all been avoided.

“Is this a dagger which I see before me, I have thee not, and yet I see thee still” (2.1.33-35). In this scene, Macbeth hasn’t killed Duncan yet and he sees a dagger before him that isn’t there, he is hallucinating. He is hearing voices and going crazy, his state of mind is losing grip from the real world. He is so used to seeing death, murder and bad things he has come to terms with it, and is used to it, it doesn’t affect him. As we can now come to realise, Macbeth starts off as a normal person but then slowly looses his state of mind and he isn’t the same person he was at the start of the play.

The witches play a huge part in the play, and although it has quite a lot to do with ambition, it also links to Macbeth’s deteriorating state of mind. The witches did not take over his state of mind at the start of the play when they met, that had a lot to do with ambition and Lady macbeth telling macbeth that he would only get the throne with effort. There are theories saying that the witches were only a fragment of Macbeth imagination, but i consider this to be false as in the 1600s I believe the play was written, witches were ‘real’. Macbeth knows that his actions are wrong and he could get caught but with Lady Macbeth swaying and wooing him to do it, it is done. This links back to ambition when Lady Macbeth says earlier on in the play, ‘That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty. ‘ She is so ambitious and willing for power, that she asks god to make her less like a woman and more like a man, and fill her with cruelty. She is so ambitous she is willing to do anything for power. I believe this may have lead to her death. Shakespeares message through the play is that sometimes power can corrupt.

In Act 5, Scene 1, Lady Macbeth comes into the scene sleepwalking, with the doctor and gentlewoman watching her. She seems to be rubbing her hands  as if she is washing them. She says ‘out damned spot’ and is followed by saying ” the thane had a wife” , who is lady Macduff. Later on, you hear ” Banquo’s buried: he cannot come out on’s grave” and she believes that she hears Macduff knocking at the gate. Lady Macbeth’s mind is clearly deteriorating.

‘ This is all important to Shakespeare’s message because he may be presenting the idea of imminent power corrupts people into thinking and doing things which goes against their values. This idea of mental corruption links back to the idea of Macbeth’s deteriorating mind because Macbeth will later cease to be able to distinguish between reality and fiction. Therefore, Shakespeare’s message throughout the play is how imminent power and power can corrupt normally moral people and this idea was very well known which dates back to Roman times as can be seen via a quote stating, ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ –  http://dakand.community.edutronic.net/how-does-shakespeare-present-macbeths-deteriorating-state-of-mind/
I found this to be such a good message in Macbeth because i believe that it is all true.






William Shakespeare’s Macbeth- Act 5, Scene 1.

Characters in order of appearance:

Lady Macbeth

Time: Night


In the king’s palace at Dunsinane a doctor and a gentlewoman talk about Lady Macbeth’s strange habit of sleepwalking. Suddenly, Lady Macbeth enters in a trance with a candle in her hand. She’s talking about the murders of Lady Macduff and Banquo, her actions display blood on her hands and claims that nothing will ever wash it off. She leaves, and the doctor and gentlewoman talk about how she’s gone crazy.

Important Quote:

“Out, damned spot; out, I say… Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?”


William Shakespeare’s Macbeth- Act 4, Scene 3.

Characters in order of appearance:


Time: Unknown


Outside King Edward’s palace, Malcolm is with Macduff, telling him that he doesn’t trust him since he has left his family in Scotland and may be secretly working for Macbeth. To see if Macduff is trustworthy, Malcolm rambles on about his own vices. He admits that he wonders whether he is fit to be king, since he claims to be lustful, greedy, and violent. At first, Macduff politely disagrees with his future king, but eventually Macduff cannot keep himself from crying out, “O Scotland, Scotland!” Macduff’s loyalty to Scotland leads him to agree that Malcolm is not fit to govern Scotland and perhaps not even to live. In giving voice to his disparagement, Macduff has passed Malcolm’s ‘test of loyalty’. Malcolm then retracts the lies he has put forth about his supposed shortcomings and embraces Macduff as an ally.  Ross enters and says he just came from Scotland, and tells Macduff that his wife and children are okay he says Malcolm should come back, listing the bad things that have happened ever since Macbeth has been king. Malcolm says that he will return with ten thousand soldiers lent him by the English king. Then, breaking down, Ross confesses to Macduff that Macbeth has murdered his wife and children. Macduff is crushed and Malcolm tells him to turn his grief to anger, and Macduff assures him that he will inflict revenge upon Macbeth.

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth- Act 4, Scene 2.

Characters in order of appearance:

Lady Macduff
First Murderer

Time: Morning

At Fife in Macduff’s castle, Lady Macduff is lamenting to Ross that her husband has run away which kinda makes him look suspicious but Ross says he had his reasons. Lady Macduff then has a funny bit of banter with her young son about how his father is dead. He doesn’t believe her, and they go on to discuss whether or not she should buy a new husband at the market as well as what happens to traitors. The conversation comes to an abrupt end when a messenger enters advising her to flee with her children. Since she’s innocent, she sees no reason to leave. Then again, she thinks, this is Earth, where sometimes people are praised for doing evil things and punished for doing good things. So being innocent may not be a good reason to stay put. Unfortunately, in the time it takes her to figure this out, the murderers have arrived. One of the murderers says they’re looking for Macduff, who is a traitor. Macduff’s son retorts are stabbed and then dies, leaving the murderers to kill Lady Macduff.



William Shakespeare’s Macbeth- Act 4, Scene 1.

Characters in order of appearance:

First Witch
Second Witch
Third Witch

Time: Night

On a dark and stormy night, the three witches are together in a cave chanting spells around a boiling cauldron, they put in all sorts of nasty stuff, from lizard’s leg to the finger of a stillborn baby. Hecate enters, pleased with the witches’ more serious approach this time around. After Hecate exits, the Second With announces “something wicked this way comes.” Not surprisingly, Macbeth comes. He says he has some more questions about his future and he wants some answers from the weird sisters, now. The witches add some more ingredients to the cauldron, and then apparitions begin to appear, each addressing Macbeth. First, an armed head warns him to beware of Macduff. The second apparition is a bloody child who says that Macbeth won’t be harmed by anyone who was “of woman born.” (Everyone) Including Macduff. So really Macbeth figures he has nothing to fear. He welcomes this good but figures he might as well have Macduff killed anyway—you know, just to be sure. The third apparition is a child wearing a crown and holding a tree in his hand. The child promises that Macbeth won’t be conquered until Birnam Wood marches to Dunsinane. This seems about as unlikely as Macduff not being born of a woman. Given all of this, Macbeth feels safe that he won’t be conquered in the upcoming war. But again, to be on the safe side, he still asks if Banquo’s children will ever rule the kingdom. He is warned to ask no more questions. He demands to be answered anyway. Macbeth is not pleased when he’s shown a line of eight kings, the last of which holds a mirror that reflects on many more such kings. One of the kings in the mirror happens to be holding two orbs. (King James I of England / King James VI of Scotland traced his lineage back to Banquo and, at his coronation ceremony in England 1603 James held two orbs one representing England and one representing Scotland. ) Quite a coincidence, don’t you think? The apparitions disappear and the witches tease Macbeth for looking horrible when he saw his future destruction. The witches do another song and dance routine and they vanish. Enter Lennox to find a perplexed Macbeth. Lennox tells Macbeth the news that Macduff has definitely run away to England, presumably to get some help for a rebellion. NOTE: Macbeth says that from now on, he’s going to act immediately on whatever thought enters his mind: “From this moment / The very firstlings of my heart shall be / The firstlings of my hand.” In other words, no more thinking and contemplating about the pros and cons of being bad – he’s just going to do whatever the heck he feels like doing. Starting with… wiping out Macduff’s entire family, especially his kids, since Macbeth doesn’t ever want to see any little Macduffs running around.

Important quote:

“From this moment / The very firstlings of my heart shall be / The firstlings of my hand.”

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth- Act 3, Scene 6.

Characters in order of appearance:

A Lord

Time: Unknown

Summary: While all the other things are happening, elsewhere in Scotland the nobleman Lennox discusses Scotland’s plight with another lord. Isn’t it weird that Duncan was murdered, that his run-away sons were blamed, that Banquo has now been murdered, that his runaway son (Fleance) is being blamed, and that everyone has a major case of déjà vu? Plus, the murders of Banquo and Duncan were too conveniently grieved by Macbeth, who had the most to gain from the deaths. Lennox refers to Macbeth as a “tyrant,” and then asks the other Lord if he knows where Macduff has gone off to. Turns out Macduff has joined Malcolm in England. Malcolm and Macduff are doing a pretty good job of convincing the oh-so-gracious and “pious” King Edward of England, along with some English noblemen, to help them in the fight against Macbeth, the tyrant. The two noblemen pray that Malcolm and Macduff might be successful and restore some order to the kingdom, even though news of the planned rebellion has reached Macbeth and he’s preparing for war. Sorry to say, it’s not looking too good for Macbeth at this point.